101 things my mom has already taught me

So I was going to save this post for Mother's Day, but then threw caution to the wind and I'm going to post NOW. Heyooooo. Watch out. Feeling crazy.

The below list has been making the rounds on the web and I love it:

101 Things I Will Teach My Daughters

I think I'd rename it "101 Things My Mom Has Already Taught Me".

Here are just a few:

Thanks, Peg! You are THE best.

Also, here's a Friday giggle for you (hint: you want the the volume on):

Pour some sugar on Rosie. And she'll just flip out!

Thanks to Ricky for this gem. And also I might make the "Friday Giggle" a regular thing. Because who doesn't love giggling? And who doesn't love Fridays?


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