this is not a drill.

Growing up in the 90s, the biggest annoyances during elementary school and junior high were tornado and fire drills. We'd moan and gripe and eventually go where we needed to. Here in the midwest, we can still find any nook without windows and cover our heads because it's second nature.

I'm not a parent. But I am an aunt. I am obsessed with my nephew and love my friends' children dearly. I don't truly understand how it feels to have a child come home, asking how their day at school was and hearing they had an active shooter drill. I can't wrap my head around that this is reality. But what I do know and understand is I would move heaven and earth to keep them safe and healthy and happy. And that this can be stopped. We have other countries who've taken the lead so all we have to do is follow suit. Why is this so hard?

The children truly are our future. And they are innocent and breathe goodness and pureness into life when we need it the most. 

Yet here we are. I'm really struggling to put words to paper that adequately portray not only how I'm feeling, but how the rest of the nation is feeling - in the wake of yet another damn school shooting that could have been avoided. It's heart-wrenching and unbearable.

Jimmy Kimmel was unfortunately cut short in a monologue he gave last night (Wednesday, May 25) but his message is powerful and I urge you to watch:

How can you help? So glad you asked.

  • Contact your senators by writing or calling, asking them to take action now
  • Donate to Everytown **if you donate by May 31, Mike Bloomberg will triple match your gift**
  • Donate to Sandy Hook Promise
  • VOTE - get these people who can't seem to understand we desperately need gun control despite all these innocent lives lost out of office now
Listen, do your research then act. Our children deserve so so so much better than what they are getting right now.


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