owning the night like the 4th of july


I just got to spend ten days in my most favorite place ever. Yes, I realize I haven't been everywhere this wonderful world has to offer, but I know enough about me that I feel as relaxed as ever when I'm on Cape time. And that is worth every single penny.

Originally, I was slated to spend about 6.4 days there but as I sat on the picture perfect beach day as pictured below:

I realized that leaving Wednesday was just too soon. I need more time. So I did what any self-sufficient smart folk would do: hopped onto the SWA app (whilst on said beach) and booked myself a different flight out for Sunday night. For a mere $26 more. Guys, it was clearly a no brainer. And a pretty genius move, if I do say so myself.

That said, this trip was filled with some house upkeep, completely wonderful beach time and solid running.

I feel refreshed, revitalized and yet not...ready to leave at all.

I don't know what it is about this place that just feels hypnotic and magical. And I know I am so blessed that I truly can come back whenever, yet whenever I cross over that bridge back to reality, it hurts.

I guess that's a good sign?
hi pretty running path.
mark does a great job of reading on the new deck.
guess whose geeky idea it was to hold up 4 fingers for the 4th of july?
surely NOT MINE.
history! mugs consuming food at sesuit harbor in the summatime.
the most gorgeous dune tour ever.
hi pretty.
never ever gonna get old.
so cool.
mutual adoration.
it truly hurts to leave.


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