makin' hisssss-story

Have you guys ever had a life goal you didn't realize you had until you achieved it? Me neither...until Thursday night.

I went to the Cubs game with a few coworkers and we snagged bleacher seats. A few innings in, one of my coworkers casually mentioned we should start a "beer cup snake*," laughing it off, as he added another empty to our current pile. 

Enter: my determination. I said THAT'S A GREAT IDEA. LET'S DO IT. And let me just let the pictures do the talking:

Gotta start somewhere

Cup consolidation requires teamwork and air traffic controller-like movements to keep things moving:

My coworker who casually made the comment early on, likely not regretting what he said and me taking it literally:

We needed reinforcements and this helpful fellow was dedicated to the cause with us:

SUCCESS! And the crowd goes wild:

Moral of the story: Never give up on the dreams you didn't know you had.

Also did you know you can turn any Live Photo into a gif on your iPhone? It's true! Open the "Shortcuts" app. Click "Gallery" at the bottom. Search for "Make Gif". Add to Shortcuts. Go back to your shortcuts. Open it up and select the Live Photo you want as a Gif. Voila! 

*for those unfamiliar with a bleachers beer cup snake, it's simply the act of piling up all the empty beer cups in the bleachers and creating a snake throughout the crowd. Actually I shouldn't say "simply" the act because turns out there is nothing simple about making it happen.


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