baseball season's underway.

Game 1 of the season at Wrigley for 2011? Check!

Unable to miss work on Friday, I opted to snag tickets to game #2 of the season. The baseball gods clearly agreed because that's the only game of the series against the Pittsburgh Pirates the Cubbies won. A noon start - told us it would be 51* with 20% of rain. At 11:40, it started raining/drizzling, which made no sense, since the weather radar map showed nary a cloud. The best part was the crowd cheered every time the sun came out and Lord knows, we needed something to cheer about.

Then the bottom of the 8th inning happened: the Cubbies rallied and score 5 runs. It felt like late September in the Friendly Confines.

Of course a Cubs' victory only means one thing:

Go Cubs Go.

*Camerawoman's note: Don't singalong or try to clap when taking a video...especially when you can't sing well. My apologies. Posting it anyways.

Gosh, I just love baseball.


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