even diet coke needs a lift.
I don't sit still very well. Though I purposefully did not bring my laptop on the flight to Dallas last Friday, I had not yet realized I forgot to bring a book too.
Although I had my trusty KerriPhone to entertain me in the music department, I had finished the crossword in the United's Hemispheres Inflight magazine by the 23rd minute. By "finished," I really mean filled in the answers I thought were the best fit. I've yet to truly finish a crossword in a magazine unless it's People's.
Thus, I turned to another creative outlet of mine: doodling.
Thus, I turned to another creative outlet of mine: doodling.
Check out those angry fingermen holding up my Diet Coke! And turns out I get defensive when the 15 year old kid next to me asks if I'm "really drawing on my napkin?"
The answer? Heck yes I am.